“Dynamic modeling assessment of Water and Food Security: the San Pedro River Valley, Aguascalientes, México,” to be presented at the 35th International Conference on Systems Dynamics, Cambridge, Mass., July 17, 2017
Dynamic Modeling – San Pedro River Valley

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“ProEstado – MAUA, A Systems Dynamics Approach for the Design of Sustainable Water Use Strategy in the Middle Lerma – Chapala Basin”, Chapter in the book The Lerma – Chapala Watershed , Evaluation and Management, Edited by Anne M. Hansen and Manfred van Afferden, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, the Netherlands, 2001

Fuentes-Berain, J. M. Huerta, “Mexico Año 20/20”, (in Spanish) a series of five articles, presenting four different scenarios of the Mexican Republic. Published by Reforma newspaper of Mexico City, January of 1996.  Mexico 20/20 Newspaper Article